Mashpee Wampanoag Preserve our Homeland (POH) Tribal Youth Camp

Each year since 2017, Friends of Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge volunteers have participated in all-day, hands-on educational/scientific projects with tribal youth and staff, and Refuge partners staff, to assist tribal youth in creating new pollinator gardens, learn archery, and observe how forestry land practices change the landscape through fire management to restore and maintain important wildlife habitat along with community safety within the fire-prone, rare pitch pine forests of Mashpee and Falmouth.

2022 Wampanoag “Preserving Our Homelands” Tribal Youth Camp

On July 20th, the US Fish and Wildlife and partners had the opportunity to participate and lead activities for the Mashpee Wampanoag’s “Preserving Our Homelands 2022 Tribal Youth Summer Camp.” Staff from the Eastern MA NWR Complex were joined by several partners including Friends of Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation-Bureau of Forest Fire Control and MassWildlife. Read more…

Providing a friendly helping hand with the Wampanoag Preserve Our Homeland (POH) 2021 Tribal Youth Summer Camp

The 9th year of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal (MWT) Youth Camp was another success! Since 2012, tribal youth have participated in a month-long, hands-on interactive Summer Science Program, serving 6th, 7th, and 8th grade native students. This is a partnership with MWT’s Natural Resource Department, U.S.G.S., the local science community and the Wampanoag Language Reclamation Program. Read more…