Wildlife: Young or Injured Animals

Finding Young Wildlife

FawnThe arrival of spring and summer means the arrival of newborn and just-hatched wildlife. These youngsters soon venture into the world on shaky legs or fragile wings and are discovered by people living and working nearby. Every year, the lives of many young wild creatures fawns are upset by people who mean to help. These people take baby wildlife from the wild in a mistaken attempt to save them. In fact, these would-be rescuers are harming the young animals’ chances of becoming normal adults. Remember, young wildlife belongs in the wild. If you care, leave them there

For young wildlife, the perils of survival are a natural part of ecology. Some will not survive. However, young wildlife that learn well from one or both parents and are the most fit usually live the longest. Early unsteady steps and flights are part of normal development, helping young animals learn to take care of themselves. Some develop that ability quickly, almost from birth. For example, Snowshoe hare are ready to venture into their world within hours of birth. Other animals need more parental care. Cottontail rabbits are born with no fur and eyes closed, unable to leave their nest for several days.

It is at this time that most of the problems arise. Some people assume that young wildlife they have found are abandoned. They believe that the young animals are helpless and need to be saved. In nearly all cases, this is a mistake: the young animals are neither abandoned nor orphaned.

When People Try to Rescue Young Wildlife

Wildlife almost never needs intervention from humans. Those well-meant acts of kindness almost always have the opposite result. Instead of being left to learn their place in the world, young wildlife are removed from the wild and denied important natural learning experiences. Worse, most people quickly find that they do not really know how to care for young wildlife, and many of the animals soon die in the hands of these well-meaning people. Of course, this can be prevented if young wildlife are not taken from the wild in the first place.

Young wildlife that survives human care missed the natural experiences that would enable them to fend for themselves. When these animals are released back into the wild they have a reduced ability to survive. It is difficult for them to function, as they should in the natural world. Their ability to find natural foods and cover is impaired, thereby reducing chances of survival. Further, they may be thrust as unwelcome intruders into the home range of another member of their species. Often, the care given to young wildlife unavoidably results in some attachment to humans. Upon release to the wild, those animals generally have little fear of people. Some wildlife species return to places where people live, only to be attacked by domestic animals or hit by cars. Some become nuisances, getting into stored food, trashcans or dwellings. People have also been injured by once-tamed wildlife.

What to Do if You Find Young Wildlife

All of these problems can be avoided if you follow one simple rule when coming upon young wildlife: LEAVE THEM ALONE! It may be difficult to do, but this is the real act of kindness. Don’t be fooled into thinking that your situation is different-in nearly all cases, young wildlife do not need to be assisted. Resist the temptation to help them. In many cases, the adults may be nearby but for protection, visit their young infrequently.Only when young wildlife are found injured or with their dead mother is there reason to do something, and then the state wildlife laws are specific about what may be done legally.

Keep wildlife and pets safe and healthy by keeping your pet indoors or restrained. Many times a family pet will bring home young wildlife that may still be alive and unhurt. Loose pets will hunt songbirds as well as chase after other mammals. Free roaming pets are also at risk from attack by wild animals, other pets or oncoming automobiles. Veterinarians say that restrained pets live longer and healthier lives.

Leave fawns (young deer) where they are found. Fawns are safe when left alone because their camouflaging color help them remain undetected until the parent returns. Unlike deer, newborn moose calves remain in close proximity to their mothers who, in contrast to a white-tailed does, will actively defend calves against danger. An adult cow moose, weighing over 600 pounds will chase, kick and stomp a potential predator, people included. It is illegal to possess most wildlife in Massachusetts.

Nearly all wild birds and mammals are protected under the law. They may not legally be taken from the wild or kept as pets. Never consider wildlife as possible pets; it is both illegal and unwise. They are wild animals that belong in the wild. An injured wild animal may be assisted, but a person must deliver the animal immediately to a licensed rehabilitator. MassWildlife licenses wildlife rehabilitators who are qualified to care for injured or truly orphaned wildlife. In cases where the services of a wildlife rehabilitator are required, names are available through the MassWildlife website or District offices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I found an abandoned fawn near the edge of a field on my property. I brought the fawn into my house to save it, but I don’t know how to care for it. What should I do?

A: Immediately take the fawn back to the spot where you found it, and leave it there. The mother will come back again looking for the fawn. Fawns have been successfully reunited with their mothers by returning them to the place where they were found even one or two days after removal from the wild. When you picked up the fawn, the mother was probably feeding not far away. Young fawns are usually quite safe when left alone because their color pattern and lack of scent help them to remain undetected until their mothers return. This is true for many other species of wildlife.

Q: A baby bird has fallen out of its nest in a tree in my backyard. I am afraid something might happen to it if I leave it there on the ground. Should I bring it into the house and feed it until it is able to fly?

A: No. The best thing to do is put the bird carefully back into the nest. Don’t worry about getting your scent on the bird; it will not affect the mother’s care. Even if you find that the nest has blown out of the tree, put it back in the tree securely along with the nestling.

Q: I was walking through the woods behind our house and saw several baby raccoons on the ground near a large hole way up in the tree. Should I bring them home and care for them?

A: No. Most likely the young raccoons are merely exploring, and their mother is nearby. They are very cute but do not touch them. They are probably old enough to be fully capable of climbing back up the tree to their den when they are ready to return. If they were too young to climb, the mother would carry them back. It should also be noted that raccoons frequently carry highly contagious roundworm parasites, and in any case, with the current outbreak of rabies in Massachusetts, it is wise to avoid any contact with raccoons and other wild mammals.

Q: There is a young blue jay in my backyard and it seems to have difficulty flying. I am afraid that either my dog or cat will get it. Should I bring it inside and feed it until it is able to fly?

A: No. As a fledgling, it has enough feathers to leave the nest. This means it is old enough to learn to fly, which it will rapidly begin to do. Leave the bird alone, but keep your dog and cat in the house for a few days so that they will not disturb the bird.

Q: I accidentally kicked open a nest of baby rabbits while walking in the thick grass at the far corner of my backyard. They seem so helpless. How can I rescue them?

A: They do not need to be rescued. The mother will not return as long as you remain at the nest. Just replace the top of the nest that you uncovered and leave. The mother will return and care for the young. Cottontail rabbits leave their young for several hours while eating, but they do return to nurse the young. As with other young wildlife, it is best to LEAVE THEM ALONE!

Q: My cat keeps bringing birds to the house. He often doesn’t hurt them and I put them in the thick shrubs near my house. Is there anything else I can do? Should I feed them?

A: Cats are predators and even when well fed, they will continue to hunt small mammals and songbirds if left to roam outdoors. It’s hard for owners of outdoor cats to keep cats indoors, but indoors or a long leash are really the only ways to prevent a cat from hunting wildlife. If uninjured, placing the birds in the thick brush is the right thing to do, giving them the best chance of survival. Please don’t feed the young birds! If you notice blood or injuries, bring the young bird to a Wildlife Rehabilitation facilities as cat carry many harmful bacteria in their mouth and once bitten, the young animal will die. Below is a list of wildlife hospitals in the upper or lower cape that will accept wildlife species.


If you find a wild animal in need of assistance, please call the following licensed Wildlife Rehabilitation clinics  before attempting to help the animal. Local veterinary hospitals do not know how to care for wildlife so you must call for immediate and proper assistance of these wildlife species. Thanks’ for caring so much and taking the time to help give them the best shot at living a productive life.


1) Cape Wildlife: http://www.humanesociety.org/animal_community/shelters/cape.html Mid Cape area, located in East Barnstable. The Cape Wildlife Center is open to the public to admit wildlife patients or to answer your wildlife-related questions year-round, seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Our patients are wild, so we limit human contact to increase their chance of survival.

4011 Main Street
Barnstable, MA 02637
(view map)


Directions to the Cape Wildlife Center:

  • From Meadow Lane: Turn left on Route 6A. Follow Route 6A East for 6.7 miles to 4011 Main Street (right side of 6A). Turn right at the mailbox numbered 4011, and proceed down the driveway.
  • From the West: From Route 6 (Mid Cape Highway) take Exit 6, take a left off the ramp and follow Route 132 North to Route 6A. Take a right onto Route 6A East and go 4 miles. Turn right at the mailbox numbered 4011, and proceed down the driveway.
  • From the East: From Route 6 (Mid Cape Highway) take Exit 7, take a right off the ramp onto Willow Street northbound. At the intersection of Willow Street and Route 6A, take a left. Go 1.1 miles to 4011 Main Street (left side of 6A). The Cape Wildlife Cener is located just past the Cummaquid Post Office. Look for mail box numbered 4011, and turn left onto the driveway.
  • From the South: From Phinney’s Lane go to the light in Barnstable Village. Turn right onto Route 6A and go 1.3 miles. Turn right at the mailbox numbered 4011, and then proceed down the driveway.
  • From Mary Dunn Road: Take a right onto Route 6A East and go 0.2 miles. Turn right at the mailbox numbered 4011, and then proceed down the driveway.


2) Cape Cod Wild Care: http://www.wildcarecapecod.org/ Lower Cape, 10 Smith Lane, Eastham, MA.,


Our helpline and our facility are open EVERY DAY from 9AM-5PM

Please contact Cape Animal Referral and Emergency Center if you cannot reach us during business hours Not on Cape Cod? Click Here to find a Wildlife Rehabilitator in your area.

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